Our services

We tailor our services to meet the needs of each patient to help them live as well as possible to the end of their life. Whether they need specialist care to manage complex needs or therapeutic support to improve the quality of their life, we are here for them and their family when they need us the most.

We also offer a range of information, advice and support to children and adults dealing with the emotional and practical impact of bereavement.

Support us

Your support matters

At any one time, our dedicated team of doctors, nurses, counsellors and therapists are caring for over 500 patients and the number of people needing our care is increasing.
All of our care is provided completely free of charge. As we are a charity, we can only do this thanks to the kind support of our local community, through donations, gifts in wills and money raised from fundraising events like the Buzz in the City art trail.


What people say

 “The counselling was amazing. She has helped me in so many ways and I am so grateful for her. It was perfect and she was very professional and emphatic. From the first meeting, she made me feel very comfortable.”

 “I would like to thank you so very much for looking after my brother in his final days. We are beyond grateful that he was able to be in your care where he was so well looked after. His death has left us all heartbroken, but it is very comforting to know that he was very relaxed and happy with you. Thank you for everything.”

“Words cannot express how grateful I was to have you in my corner in the last months of Mum’s life. You treated her always with grace and dignity, making sure all of her needs were met to keep her comfortable at home with me in her final days.

A solo carer’s journey is a tough and lonely one but you always checked to make sure I was doing OK and that was a comfort to me.”

“We can’t thank you enough for finding our relative a place in the hospice. He was cared for so well by a group of dedicated staff who treated him with dignity and respect… We would never have been able to give him that level of care ourselves. We feel eternally indebted to you.”